Orpheus and Moira (2018)


In the Greek myth, Orpheus sings through mountains and valleys, despairing because he turned to see his Eurydice, thus causing her death. In this song, Orpheus sings through mountains and valleys, despairing because he didn’t turn around in time, and his Moira was torn to pieces by a lioness.

A tale that is dreamlike and a bit off key, almost a video clip for the song ORPHEUS AND MOIRA written by Stefano Giannotti for OTEME and found on the CD THE BODY IN THE DREAM, this work is based on the visual interactions among characters taken from old films of the circus, and overlapped on landscapes in movement. Halfway between video art and choreography, this work uses animations based on hundreds of frames that were trimmed by hand using Photoshop and digital photography.

Direction, animations and music: Stefano Giannotti

Images of the circus taken from:

CIRCUS DAY IN OUR TOWN by Encyclopaedia Britannica Films (1949) – Prelinger Archives – Public Domain
HERE COMES THE CIRCUS (1942) – Prelinger Archives – Public Domain
CIRCUS DAY (1966) by Barr Films – Public Domain

All Usage: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/

The image of the lioness was licensed by  Shutterstock.com