Scattered Music (ALT065) is an ambitious musical project born from the Sinfonia School of Music in Lucca, Italy. Released by Altrock Records and distributed by Ma.Ra.Cash, this album celebrates ten years (2015–2025) of educational and artistic endeavors. It features Orchestra SMS , an ensemble composed of talented young musicians from the school, under the direction of renowned composer and Lucca native Stefano Giannotti, who also arranged the pieces.
The album offers an eclectic repertoire, bridging genres and eras, from the Velvet Underground to Robert Wyatt, Battisti/Panella to the Third Ear Band, Bruno Lauzi to Tuxedomoon, and beyond. This diversity reflects the project’s aim to expand musical horizons and honor both celebrated and lesser-known composers.
Orchestra SMS
Eva Bartolucci, Xhensila Leka: flutes
Domenico Piegaia: clarinet, bass clarinet
Tommaso Barattini: clarinet
Riccardo Santabarbara: violin
Giada Del Grande: voice
Elisa Cheng: electric guitar, voice
Gabriele Stefani, Franco Cheng, Nicolò Paganucci: guitars, voices
Jacopo Di Grazia: guitar, banjo, voice
Enrico Giuntini, Francesca Pezzuti: keyboards, voices
Sofia Paterni: harp
Duccio Nieri: bass guitar
Edgar Gomez: drums, voice
Matteo Lucchesi: percussion
Tracklist with previews:
- Sea Song (Robert Wyatt)
- La metro eccetera (Lucio Battisti/Pasquale Panella)
- Venus in Furs (Lou Reed)
- Water (Third Ear Band)
- Some Guys (Tuxedomoon)
- Molecole (Lavezzi/Mogol)
- Choci Loni (The Young Marble Giants)
- Sysyphus Part 1 (Rick Wright)
- Sysyphus Part 2
- Sysyphus Parts 3
- Sysyphus Parts 4
- Il re del mondo (Franco Battiato/Giusto Pio)
- Mistero (Lucio Battisti/Velezia)
- Nostalgia (David Sylvian)
- Memory of a Free Festival (David Bowie)
Press Office: L’ottimo ufficio-stampa di Cinzia La Fauci
“L’orchestra SMS è un progetto di orchestra da camera didattica fondato nel 2012 dal direttore artistico Stefano Giannotti.
È un ensamble vocale-strumentale “mobile e variabile” composto da dodici / sedici elementi, tutti studenti della Scuola di Musica Sinfonia di Lucca. Il progetto è nato principalmente con l’obiettivo di aiutare i partecipanti a superare i propri limiti, non solo tecnici, esplorando e sperimentando territori musicali nuovi e fuori dalla propria zona di conforto, fondendo musica, teatro e performance. Ciò che ne è scaturito è un repertorio multi ed inter-genere che fonde musica classica e rock progressivo, psichedelia e post-punk, musica contemporanea e musica barocca. (…)”
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Gianluca Renoffio, February 10th, 2025
Musica Sparpagliata ( Scattered Music ) is a CLASSIC record made solely of specified cover songs from selected artists/bands, such as the legendary Robert Wyatt, the late Pink Floyd’s Rick Wright, Third Ear Band, Japan’s David Sylvian, as much as Italian beloved late singers Lucio Battisti, Franco Battiato and so on.
Behind this enthralling and masterful project is Orchestra SMS, a music ensemble composed of classically trained young musicians from the Sinfonia Music School of Lucca guided by avant-garde composer Stefano Giannotti. The album is out on February 14, 2025, via AltrOck Productions with distribution via Ma.Ra.Cash records. For more info, please check last Sunday’s post. Thank You.
PR via L’Ufficio Stampa di Cinzia La Fauci.
Mimmo Caccamo on Rock Radio UK, february 13th, 2025